Friday, July 30, 2010

Wait, I have a blog...?!

Yes, I know it has been quite a while since I last posted about our adventure in Korea! I personally feel like since we got off the plane our lives have been extremely busy! Since Camp Casey/Hovey just started allowing families to accompany their soldiers, there have been many invites and openings for playdates, FRG meetings and Post activities. While normally I wouldn't try to overload on such activities, there are limited amount of families to attend/volunteer for such things. (Example- There are 100 soldiers within Charles' Company, yet there are only 8 families here for the Family Readiness Group.) And we feel as if no one attends them now, they will not be available later as more families arrive. So on we go!

Also all of the day to day activities we do are starting to seem normal, so I have been forgetting to share them! :)I am thinking about keeping the video camera with me and just filming our day to day Korean experiences, and making a vlog. We will see how that goes! Hopefully I will be blogging more!

Monday, April 19, 2010


We have one of those new washer/dryer combos. It is wonderful because it saves space, which is the theme in Korea. Before I came over I heard other wives talking about these combos, saying that it didn't really dry the clothes and so on. So before Charles left for Korea we stopped at Lowe's and asked to look at one. The employee told us that they didn't sell them in the US because the are to unreliable, great... But we ended up getting on in our lease (Which is a blessing, I have heard other wives saying that they have nothing, even though they have been here for a month. Dragging my laundry to Post with three kids is not my idea of a fun day!) But trying to use it correctly is a bit of a struggle.

First, the load size has to be much smaller than I would do in the states. Our Realtor mentioned to Charles that us Americans tend to stuff the washer and therefore nothing gets dry. So we tried our first batch of laundry, with our Korean dictionary in hand we figured out how to do a wash/dry cycle. (Not knowing what setting the water temperature is at is kinda annoying.) But the cycle took four hours! So this week I have been trying to do as much wash as I can and hang my clothes out to dry, or lay them on the floor and let the heat dry it out....Lol! It is a new experience and something I need to master, hopefully very quickly!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So today I spent the day at home, trying to get the house in some kind of order while Charles went on post to take care of some business. (Thankfully he didn't go into the field today, we will have to see about the upcoming days.) So we decided to go out to New City to walk around and grab a bite to eat. Well, we got in the cab and our taxi driver didn't seem to understand where we wanted to go. Charles ended up pulling out some Korean and navigating us to our destination. Once we got out we walked for about half a minute and I was already freezing! (I am totally missing the 80 degree South Carolina weather!) Charles wanted to go to a Korean restaurant, so we started to look around for a good one. After a couple of minutes I saw a BBQ chicken place (with English writing, familiar looking food, and a WARM atmosphere!) and asked Charles if we could just go there. Once we got in Alethea saw a picture of pizza and asked Daddy for some. Granted the entire menu was Korean, so Charles picked out a pizza and we waited to be served. I knew something was up when the server brought out a thing of pickles with our plates.... A couple of minutes later she brings out this Hawaiianesque pizza with corn and some sort of drizzly sauce on it. It was quite weird and I immediately regretted my decision for "American" type food. We thought South Carolina pizza was different! It tasted like a quiche with cheese and a sweet sauce on top. It was quite an experience! Next time I will just go where ever Charles wants to eat! I learned my lesson!

We are here!

Yes, I know it has been about a month and a half since I have posted any updates! But we are finally here! We flew out April 8th and have spent the last couple of days trying to get all the "Army" stuff done for us. But I will post some of those stories later! We love it here so far! Just trying to get our sleep cycles back to normal. :o)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Yesterday I had our Transportation Briefing at Fort Jackson. I do have to admit that I was a little nervous going into the meeting because we needed the movers here before the end of the month. Otherwise we were going to have to pack everything ourselves and put it in a storage unit until they could pick it up. Technically on a regular PCS you are suppose to contact your transportation office about 12 weeks in advance. Here I was going 2 days before we needed the movers! (We had just received our orders, so that is why we had such a delay!) But thankfully the woman as able to contact the movers and have them come on Thursday and Friday! (It is really neat to see God's hand throughout this whole process!) The last two months have flown by and I cannot believe we are at the moving stage! So today I am going to get everything ready for the movers to come. Tomorrow and Friday they will come and Saturday and Sunday will be cleaning days. Most likely the next time I will see our stuff will be May! The kids and I will be in a state of limbo after March 10th. We will be staying with his parents until we get the call that we can fly over there. (Except for a trip we are planning to New York the 13th-19th.) So that will be about another 4 weeks without Charles. It is very overwhelming, but I am so excited about the move! I will try to keep the blog updated as much as possible! 안녕히 가세요 :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wolfe Visit

Yesterday, we were able to have lunch with Rose and Nate. We had a wonderful time, the kids enjoyed being able to see each other again. Crazy to think it will be about two years before we see them again! Here is a pic of the seven cousins six years old and younger!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Korea, here we come!

We finally received our Command Sponsor! We are officially going to Korea as a family! Right now we are deferred travel which means we will leave about 4-6 weeks after Charles gets there. After he goes through in-processing he will be able to look for an apartment, after our lease is signed, then he can start the ball rolling on getting our tickets to fly over. :)