Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Yesterday I had our Transportation Briefing at Fort Jackson. I do have to admit that I was a little nervous going into the meeting because we needed the movers here before the end of the month. Otherwise we were going to have to pack everything ourselves and put it in a storage unit until they could pick it up. Technically on a regular PCS you are suppose to contact your transportation office about 12 weeks in advance. Here I was going 2 days before we needed the movers! (We had just received our orders, so that is why we had such a delay!) But thankfully the woman as able to contact the movers and have them come on Thursday and Friday! (It is really neat to see God's hand throughout this whole process!) The last two months have flown by and I cannot believe we are at the moving stage! So today I am going to get everything ready for the movers to come. Tomorrow and Friday they will come and Saturday and Sunday will be cleaning days. Most likely the next time I will see our stuff will be May! The kids and I will be in a state of limbo after March 10th. We will be staying with his parents until we get the call that we can fly over there. (Except for a trip we are planning to New York the 13th-19th.) So that will be about another 4 weeks without Charles. It is very overwhelming, but I am so excited about the move! I will try to keep the blog updated as much as possible! 안녕히 가세요 :)