Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Yesterday I had our Transportation Briefing at Fort Jackson. I do have to admit that I was a little nervous going into the meeting because we needed the movers here before the end of the month. Otherwise we were going to have to pack everything ourselves and put it in a storage unit until they could pick it up. Technically on a regular PCS you are suppose to contact your transportation office about 12 weeks in advance. Here I was going 2 days before we needed the movers! (We had just received our orders, so that is why we had such a delay!) But thankfully the woman as able to contact the movers and have them come on Thursday and Friday! (It is really neat to see God's hand throughout this whole process!) The last two months have flown by and I cannot believe we are at the moving stage! So today I am going to get everything ready for the movers to come. Tomorrow and Friday they will come and Saturday and Sunday will be cleaning days. Most likely the next time I will see our stuff will be May! The kids and I will be in a state of limbo after March 10th. We will be staying with his parents until we get the call that we can fly over there. (Except for a trip we are planning to New York the 13th-19th.) So that will be about another 4 weeks without Charles. It is very overwhelming, but I am so excited about the move! I will try to keep the blog updated as much as possible! 안녕히 가세요 :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wolfe Visit

Yesterday, we were able to have lunch with Rose and Nate. We had a wonderful time, the kids enjoyed being able to see each other again. Crazy to think it will be about two years before we see them again! Here is a pic of the seven cousins six years old and younger!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Korea, here we come!

We finally received our Command Sponsor! We are officially going to Korea as a family! Right now we are deferred travel which means we will leave about 4-6 weeks after Charles gets there. After he goes through in-processing he will be able to look for an apartment, after our lease is signed, then he can start the ball rolling on getting our tickets to fly over. :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


On Thursday night Charles flew in to GSP and we were there to meet him. It was exciting to see him walk towards us in his Class A's. I am so happy to have him home! Now the next adventure, Moving!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Step 6!

Last time I posted on the status of our Command Sponsor I was feeling quite down. I wasn't sure what the next few months would bring, and while I still have no idea, God showed me (again) that He is in control. The last week I had asked many of you to pray for our situation, we were stuck at Step 2 in the 8 step process and it could be in limbo for 4-12 weeks and we weren't positive that Charles wasn't going to PVOC. Well, Charles was told he would not be going to PVOC the morning after I posted, so that was huge praise! And yesterday we moved from Step 2 to Step 5 and today we are at Step 6. The final answer should be coming in the next two days. Whether or not it is a Go or No-Go is still technically undecided. But there is great peace in knowing that we will get our answer in enough time to get things settled before Charles leaves. Thank you everyone who prayed and continue to pray for us.

Ladies First, Gentlemen Second

This past August when my sister came to visit she was handing out food and said the phrase "Ladies first, gentlemen second." Even though we try to teach our kids manners, it wasn't until then did I realize that we needed to teach Hunter and Eli how to be chivalrous. (Duh?!) So from then on, at meal time I say that phrase to Hunter, along with other examples on how to treat a lady. Well, yesterday my little 4-year old became a true gentleman! It is his job to open his car door to allow Alethea and himself to get in their car seat while I get Eli in his. And it has been a HUGE help to me whether we are at home or running errands. Yesterday, we went to WalMart, after our shopping trip Hunter opened his door, walked around the car and opened Eli's door and my door! Of course I was overjoyed and let him know what a gentleman he was. Today he did the same thing! I am so proud of my little guy! I cannot believe how quickly they grow up!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well I felt pretty good after I did all the paperwork for our passports, but as I sit here tonight I am a little stressed about the upcoming month. Charles graduates next Thursday and we are still waiting on his orders. With his MOS he could be (randomly) chosen for PVOC, which is 5 extra weeks of truck driving training in Missouri. Being that his report date for Camp Casey was in the first week of March, I figured that he wouldn't be chosen to go. Well, I guess that option is still (and always has been) open. If he does go, his report date will be pushed back and it will be another five weeks until I see him. Plus I would have to go through the moving process alone. I am trying not to worry about it and being as positive as I can be, especially with Charles. I know it is difficult for him, he is ready to be with his family and five additional weeks will be tough on him. I understand that whatever will happen, will happen and there is nothing I can do. But just trying to make a plan for each scenario. Please keep us in prayer.