Saturday, January 30, 2010


Greenville gets about one snowfall per year, so when anything that resembles snow falls, we get pretty excited! Yesterday they called for snow all afternoon, but when we woke up this morning it was more like sleet than snow. But I got the kids dressed early so they enjoy it before it turned into slush!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Remember when...

Marriage is a wonderful thing, but if you ask anyone who has made it, (You know the older couple who is left standing after "Remember when" is played at a wedding?) they say it takes work. After being separated for about 5 months, (I know, it's not super long) but after spending 5 1/2 years of marriage never spending a night apart, honestly it's hard to get stuck in a rut. Plus, being apart gets old, real quick! The first 80 days were spent writing letters to each other. Charles wasn't able to call me very often (it didn't help that his platoon lost phone privileges for most of the cycle!) and if I did get a call it was anywhere between 1-5 minutes. It would be pushing it if I said we talked for a combined total of 40 minutes while he was in training at Fort Jackson. I was so excited when he got to AIT, he can call me everyday! Plus we text whenever we can. It makes a huge difference! But even so, we get about an hour each day to talk (that hour is broken up into three or more calls throughout the day and never guaranteed!) With everything that is going on in our life that hour seems shorter than normal. We end up talking about to-do lists more than spending quality couple time on the phone.

So the other night we talked about the beginning of our relationship. <3 It has been about 9 years since we have been friends, 8 1/2 since we started dating and 6 years of marriage. Nothing makes my heart flutter more than thinking about the first time he asked to sit at my lunch table (Yes, I can still remember what he was wearing!), or when we walked down the middle of the hallway to chorus. It was the small stupid things that make 'the beginning' so exciting! A lot has happened in the last nine years, we are definitely not 16/19 anymore. But if it always fun to look back at the 'firsts' in your life, and reminisce about becoming a couple, your first kiss, your honeymoon, or your first apartment. Awww.....Warm Fuzzies!


So it has been three weeks since we found out that Charles is going to Korea! All of our Command Sponsor paperwork is in (Step 2 out of a 8 step process) and today I was able to go apply for our passports and our visas. Of course I had to travel to Fort Jackson to apply, but the process was pretty easy. (Well, it would have been a little easier if I didn't have to bring the kidos!) One thing that I continue to be thankful for throughout this whole process is the Internet. Everything that both Charles and I were told was that we had to receive the Command Sponsor and be on Charles' orders before we could apply for our passports. (Even the One Stop Office at Fort Lee told him that.) But thankfully, I belong to a network of Army Wives going or in Korea on Facebook. One of them told me about a loophole, so I was able to save a lot of time (and stress) and apply for them now. At this point in time, I am pretty sure we will get the CS, but most likely will leave 2-8 weeks after Charles leaves. But now I am just trying to concentrate on getting my house ready to move, Unaccompanied, Household Goods, and Storage. Our stuff will be packed by the end of February.
It is an odd process. I know we are moving, but I have no concrete details. Plus, it is going to take place in about a month! It is difficult to give details to people because honestly I don't know for myself. Plus the things I am told can (and do) change in a day. I am a planner, I like to know what's going on and try to set our family up for success. But I know that God is showing me that I am not in control, He is. So I have been trying to stop 'borrowing trouble' and let the small stuff go. I will be as prepared as I can be, but continue to be super flexible. A year down the road all the little things won't matter so much!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today was gorgeous! It was sunny and 65 degrees! So I took the kids out to the playground and just had a wonderful day outside! The kids had a blast playing pirates and soldiers. Plus we got to feed the geese, which is always exciting! (Thankfully no one got bit!) Even though after we came in Hunter looked outside and said "Mom look at the snow, we need a hot lunch, soup and hot chocolate!" Huh...? But I was happy to fill his request, so on this warm day we had a nice hot lunch. :o)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hurry up and wait.....

It's the Army motto....But I am thankful things are working out. Charles and I spent last week filling out paperwork and getting everything done for our request for Command Sponsorship. Hopefully Tuesday it will be completed so it can be sent to the list of people it needs to go to before it go to Korea. Thankfully I found out (through another Army Wife who just went through the process) that Charles was to sign a Acknowledgment of Benefits Limitations form before the request was made. I was able to fax the paper to him and skip that headache down the road. So now we just wait until it is approved. Once that happens we will be on his orders to go, wait to get our passports and visas and then we will be on our way.
I was also able to Google a couple of apartments, just to do some leg work (in case I go later) for Charles. Korean apartments are (of course) different than American apartments. While I looked on Craigslist I was somewhat discouraged because 1) I couldn't find anything near our post 2) Anything nice was way out of our price range 3) the kitchens were super small with NO ovens!!
Well, after reading some discussions on a Army Wife forum I Googled these.
So much nicer and newer than anything I saw before, in our price range, and right by the gate of our post. So in the world of unknowns, this makes me excited. I can a least picture what our new house it going to look like. I am thankful that I am able to use the Internet to help us with this move.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Paper Chain

This morning while going to the doctor's office, Alethea got very excited as we drove into Greer, saying that we were at Fort Lee to pick up Daddy. (The doctor's office is 15 minutes from our house, Fort Lee is 5 hours!) So I decided it was time to make our paper chain again. I got the idea from an Ex Navy wife who is now an Army mom. We tried a calendar, but the kids just didn't get the concept of so and so days. It worked well while Charles was at Basic. Each night they take turns to rip a link off the chain. But I didn't make one once he got to AIT because he came home for Thanksgiving, one week later, then for Christmas. So, finally, I got the camo paper, scissors and glue stick and felt like I was in Elementary School, making our paper chain. Only 30 days until we see Daddy! Hooah! :o)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Shopping with three kids.....

Before Charles left I would love to just hop in the car and do a quick shopping. I think like most people I enjoy to go grocery shopping....alone. I like to THINK about what I am doing, what I am getting and take time to figure out how much I am spending. Now I don't really have that luxury, lol. My kids do pretty well in the store. Most of the time Eli sits up front, Alethea in the cart and Hunter walks along the cart holding on. If I do a larger shopping I will use a Car Cart, which is a project in itself! :o) But as I shop my attention is constantly diverted back to my kids, letting them know that they can't get Gummy Snacks today, Alethea, don't kiss the lobsters, stay on your bottom, etc. When Hunter was a baby I read to make kids a list before you go to the store. But I never actually spent time to do it. Well, this morning I decided that I would do just that. I made a list for myself and then created a list for Hunter and Alethea. It was wonderful! They were so excited to shop for Mom. As we were going through the aisles they would stop me when we got to the item. A Sara Lee employee was stocking the shelves and Alethea asked "Do you have bread? Because bread is on my list!" As she proudly showed her list. It was cute. Plus, if they asked me for something extra, I would simply ask if it was on the list, "No, Mom." Well, maybe next time we can put it on the list and that was that. So I will keep spending a little extra time to make lists for my kids, to save time at the store. Anything that can make me day smoother is exciting for me!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


As many of you know, Charles joined the Army earlier this year. He has always wanted to join the military and finally went for it. He signed up in June, went to basic at Fort Jackson in August, graduated BCT in November and now is doing AIT at Fort Lee. Whew, it has been quite a year! I was nervous about being apart. In the 5 1/2 years we had been married we never spent the night apart. Yeah, we had a long distance relationship while we were dating, but we are married and have a family. How was I going to do it alone? But, it is funny to see God works through each situation.
This past week we have learned that Charles is going to be stationed in South Korea. Something we were praying for. We are now going through the process of obtaining a Command Sponsor so that we will be able to go with him on the Army's dime. As of right now, Korea doesn't deploy, so we would be able to spend time as a family without worrying about being apart for another 12-15 months. We are excited for this opportunity for our family. We have always talked about going to Korea, we have been teaching our kids some Korean, and enjoyed Korean food, now we are actually going to experience the culture! How exciting! Keep us in your prayers.

Getting Started

Here we go.....

I have had a blog for a while, since 2005. But I have decided to go to blogger, even though I said I wasn't. :o) I have always enjoyed looking back on my posts and remembering the events and emotions of that day. So I am starting a new blog, more for myself than anyone else. So I am stealing an idea from a friend's blog and dissembling the comment option. If you want to talk to me you can write me on Facebook or e-mail! :o)
By no means am I a writer, so I am using this space to capture everyday moments in the life of the Thompson family.