Thursday, January 28, 2010

Remember when...

Marriage is a wonderful thing, but if you ask anyone who has made it, (You know the older couple who is left standing after "Remember when" is played at a wedding?) they say it takes work. After being separated for about 5 months, (I know, it's not super long) but after spending 5 1/2 years of marriage never spending a night apart, honestly it's hard to get stuck in a rut. Plus, being apart gets old, real quick! The first 80 days were spent writing letters to each other. Charles wasn't able to call me very often (it didn't help that his platoon lost phone privileges for most of the cycle!) and if I did get a call it was anywhere between 1-5 minutes. It would be pushing it if I said we talked for a combined total of 40 minutes while he was in training at Fort Jackson. I was so excited when he got to AIT, he can call me everyday! Plus we text whenever we can. It makes a huge difference! But even so, we get about an hour each day to talk (that hour is broken up into three or more calls throughout the day and never guaranteed!) With everything that is going on in our life that hour seems shorter than normal. We end up talking about to-do lists more than spending quality couple time on the phone.

So the other night we talked about the beginning of our relationship. <3 It has been about 9 years since we have been friends, 8 1/2 since we started dating and 6 years of marriage. Nothing makes my heart flutter more than thinking about the first time he asked to sit at my lunch table (Yes, I can still remember what he was wearing!), or when we walked down the middle of the hallway to chorus. It was the small stupid things that make 'the beginning' so exciting! A lot has happened in the last nine years, we are definitely not 16/19 anymore. But if it always fun to look back at the 'firsts' in your life, and reminisce about becoming a couple, your first kiss, your honeymoon, or your first apartment. Awww.....Warm Fuzzies!