Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Paper Chain

This morning while going to the doctor's office, Alethea got very excited as we drove into Greer, saying that we were at Fort Lee to pick up Daddy. (The doctor's office is 15 minutes from our house, Fort Lee is 5 hours!) So I decided it was time to make our paper chain again. I got the idea from an Ex Navy wife who is now an Army mom. We tried a calendar, but the kids just didn't get the concept of so and so days. It worked well while Charles was at Basic. Each night they take turns to rip a link off the chain. But I didn't make one once he got to AIT because he came home for Thanksgiving, one week later, then for Christmas. So, finally, I got the camo paper, scissors and glue stick and felt like I was in Elementary School, making our paper chain. Only 30 days until we see Daddy! Hooah! :o)