Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hurry up and wait.....

It's the Army motto....But I am thankful things are working out. Charles and I spent last week filling out paperwork and getting everything done for our request for Command Sponsorship. Hopefully Tuesday it will be completed so it can be sent to the list of people it needs to go to before it go to Korea. Thankfully I found out (through another Army Wife who just went through the process) that Charles was to sign a Acknowledgment of Benefits Limitations form before the request was made. I was able to fax the paper to him and skip that headache down the road. So now we just wait until it is approved. Once that happens we will be on his orders to go, wait to get our passports and visas and then we will be on our way.
I was also able to Google a couple of apartments, just to do some leg work (in case I go later) for Charles. Korean apartments are (of course) different than American apartments. While I looked on Craigslist I was somewhat discouraged because 1) I couldn't find anything near our post 2) Anything nice was way out of our price range 3) the kitchens were super small with NO ovens!!
Well, after reading some discussions on a Army Wife forum I Googled these.
So much nicer and newer than anything I saw before, in our price range, and right by the gate of our post. So in the world of unknowns, this makes me excited. I can a least picture what our new house it going to look like. I am thankful that I am able to use the Internet to help us with this move.