Thursday, January 7, 2010


As many of you know, Charles joined the Army earlier this year. He has always wanted to join the military and finally went for it. He signed up in June, went to basic at Fort Jackson in August, graduated BCT in November and now is doing AIT at Fort Lee. Whew, it has been quite a year! I was nervous about being apart. In the 5 1/2 years we had been married we never spent the night apart. Yeah, we had a long distance relationship while we were dating, but we are married and have a family. How was I going to do it alone? But, it is funny to see God works through each situation.
This past week we have learned that Charles is going to be stationed in South Korea. Something we were praying for. We are now going through the process of obtaining a Command Sponsor so that we will be able to go with him on the Army's dime. As of right now, Korea doesn't deploy, so we would be able to spend time as a family without worrying about being apart for another 12-15 months. We are excited for this opportunity for our family. We have always talked about going to Korea, we have been teaching our kids some Korean, and enjoyed Korean food, now we are actually going to experience the culture! How exciting! Keep us in your prayers.